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时间:2021-12-08 16:57来源:互联网整理    作者:老南宁代理代办公




# coding:utf-8 import json import os import random import re import requests import time import urllib.parse from string import punctuation import cv2 from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image import numpy as np # 编辑图片路径 def save_pic(title1, title2, bk_img_dir, save_dir): """ 保存图片 :param title1: 标题1 :param title2:标题2 :param bk_img_dir: 背景图片位置 :param save_dir: 保存位置 :return: """ bk_img = cv2.imread(bk_img_dir) img_pil = Image.fromarray(bk_img) long, high = img_pil.size result1_list = re.findall('[a-zA-Z0-9]+', title1) result1_len = len(''.join(result1_list))/2 if len(''.join(result1_list)) else 0 title1_len = len(title1)- result1_len result2_list = re.findall('[a-zA-Z0-9]+', title2) result2_len = len(''.join(result2_list))/2 if len(''.join(result2_list)) else 0 title2_len = len(title2) - result2_len # f_size = int(long / (max([len(title1), len(title2)]) )) f_size = int(long / (max([title1_len+2, title2_len+2]) )) if f_size >= 60 : f_size = 60 # 设置需要显示的字体 fontpath = "font/msyh.ttc" # 为字体大小 font = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath,size=f_size) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img_pil) r1 = int((long - title1_len * f_size) / 2) r2 = int((long - title2_len * f_size) / 2.3) h1 = int((high - f_size - f_size - f_size) / 2) h2 = int(h1 + 2 * f_size) fillColor = "orange" # 设置字体颜色 fillColor2 = "white" # 设置字体颜色 draw.text((r1, h1), title1, font=font, fill=fillColor) draw.text((r2, h2), title2, font=font, fill=fillColor2) bk_img = np.array(img_pil) # 保存图片路径 # cv2.imshow("add_text", bk_img) # cv2.waitKey() b = bk_img_dir.split('.')[-1] nonce = ''.join(random.sample('0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 6)) save_img = os.path.join(save_dir,str(int(time.time()*1000))+nonce+'.'+b) cv2.imwrite(save_img, bk_img) return '


'%(save_img,title1,title2) def get_data(f_dir, dir,bk_pic_dir,save_pic_dir): world = f_dir.replace('.txt', '') world = world.replace('\xe2\x80\x8b', '') world = world.replace(' ', '') dicts = {i: '' for i in punctuation} punc_table = str.maketrans(dicts) world = world.translate(punc_table) world = world.replace('(', '') world = world.replace(')', '') world = world.replace('?', '') world = world.replace('?', '') world = world.replace(':', '') world = world.replace(':', '') world = world.replace('!', '') world = world.replace('!', '') world = world.replace('“', '') world = world.replace('"', '') world = world.replace('”', '') world = world.replace('-', '') world = world.replace('——', '') world = world.replace(',', '') world = world.replace(',', '') world = world.replace('|', '') world = world.replace('、', '') world = world.replace('(', '') world = world.replace(')', '') world = world.strip() world = remove_upprintable_chars(world) world = world[0:20] if '_' not in f_dir.replace('.txt', '') and not f_dir.replace('.txt', '').endswith(')'): #if ')' not in world: url = 'https://www.baidu.com/sugrec?pre=1&p=3&ie=utf-8&json=1&prod=pc&from=pc_web&wd=%s&csor=16&pwd=%s' % ( world, world) c = requests.get(url) data = c.json() if 'g' not in data or len(data['g']) <= 2: print('数据不足,尝试1', world) world = world[0:15] url = 'https://www.baidu.com/sugrec?pre=1&p=3&ie=utf-8&json=1&prod=pc&from=pc_web&wd=%s&csor=16&pwd=%s' % (world, world) c = requests.get(url) data = c.json() if 'g' not in data or len(data['g']) <= 2: print('--尝试10个字--', world) world = world[0:10] url = 'https://www.baidu.com/sugrec?pre=1&p=3&ie=utf-8&json=1&prod=pc&from=pc_web&wd=%s&csor=16&pwd=%s' % (world, world) c = requests.get(url) data = c.json() if 'g' not in data or len(data['g']) <= 2: print('--尝试9个字--', world) world = world[0:9] url = 'https://www.baidu.com/sugrec?pre=1&p=3&ie=utf-8&json=1&prod=pc&from=pc_web&wd=%s&csor=16&pwd=%s' % (world, world) c = requests.get(url) data = c.json() if 'g' not in data or len(data['g']) <= 2: print('--尝试8个字--', world) world = world[0:8] url = 'https://www.baidu.com/sugrec?pre=1&p=3&ie=utf-8&json=1&prod=pc&from=pc_web&wd=%s&csor=16&pwd=%s' % (world, world) c = requests.get(url) data = c.json() if 'g' not in data or len(data['g']) <= 2: print('--尝试7个字--', world) world = world[0:7] url = 'https://www.baidu.com/sugrec?pre=1&p=3&ie=utf-8&json=1&prod=pc&from=pc_web&wd=%s&csor=16&pwd=%s' % (world, world) c = requests.get(url) data = c.json() if 'g' not in data or len(data['g']) <= 2: print('--尝试6个字--', world) world = world[0:6] url = 'https://www.baidu.com/sugrec?pre=1&p=3&ie=utf-8&json=1&prod=pc&from=pc_web&wd=%s&csor=16&pwd=%s' % (world, world) c = requests.get(url) data = c.json() return c = data['g'] w_list = random.sample(c, 3) rstr = "[\/\\\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]" # '/ \ : * ? " < > |' #print (w_list[0]['q']) #print (w_list[1]['q']) #print (w_list) title = re.compile('[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b-\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]').sub('', w_list[0]['q']) title = re.sub(rstr, "", title) # 替换为下划线 title2 = re.compile('[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b-\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]').sub('', w_list[1]['q']) title2 = re.sub(rstr, "", title2) # 替换为下划线 title3 = re.compile('[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b-\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]').sub('', w_list[2]['q']) title3 = re.sub(rstr, "", title3) # 替换为下划线 # 随机挑选一张图片 bk_pic = random.choice([i for i in os.listdir(bk_pic_dir) if i.endswith('.png') or i.endswith('.jpg')]) pic_dir = os.path.join(bk_pic_dir,bk_pic) # title2 = f_dir.split('.')[0] pic = save_pic(title,title2,pic_dir,save_pic_dir) # 保存图片 with open(os.path.join(dir, f_dir), 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f: try: content = f.read() except: return #finally: # print('++++++++++') f.seek(0, 0) f.write('

' + random.choice(['为您提取本文阅读重点:','为您推荐文章知识点:','通过这篇文章,您可以了解到这些问题:','文章阅读关键词:','文章原标题:','文章内容核心观点提取:','本文知识点归纳及重点:','本文阅读重点有下面几个方向:','这篇文章知识点为您总结归纳如下:','文章划重点,请关注以下方面:','本文核心要素如下:','为您提供本文核心观点如下:']) + '%s、%s、%s ' % ( f_dir.replace('.txt', ''), w_list[1]['q'], w_list[0]['q']) + '

\n\n %s \n ' % (pic) + content) # 内容头部插入 # f.write('%s,%s,%s'%(w_list[0]['q'],w_list[1]['q'],w_list[2]['q']) + content) if len(f_dir) <= 30: #nwe_name = "%s_" % title + f_dir.replace('.txt', '') + '.txt' #下拉标题+原标题 nwe_name = "%s(%s)" % (title ,title3) + '.txt' #下拉标题1+下拉标题3 print(f_dir.replace('.txt', '') + '->' + nwe_name) os.rename(os.path.join(dir, f_dir), os.path.join(dir, nwe_name)) def start(files_dir,bk_pic_dir,save_pic_dir): for f in os.listdir(files_dir): if f.endswith('.txt'): # try: get_data(f, files_dir,bk_pic_dir,save_pic_dir) # except Exception as e: # print('接口调取失败,等待5秒 %s' % str(e)) # time.sleep(5) def remove_upprintable_chars(s): return ''.join(x for x in s if x.isprintable()) if __name__ == '__main__': # files_dir = r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\tigerok\txt' files_dir = os.path.abspath('') # bk_pic_dir = r'D:\picku\gongsibaidiheizi' #白色遮罩 bk_pic_dir = r'D:\picku\gongsiheidibaizi' #黑色遮罩 save_pic_dir = r'C:\Users\qs\Desktop\tigerok\pic' start(files_dir,bk_pic_dir,save_pic_dir) # print()



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